My Diastasis Recti (Separated Abs) workout

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In my opinion, fit mama’s everywhere are crushing it with our goals these days! We’re stronger, leaner, happier and healthier. It’s freaking awesome and I hope it’s helping to build stronger, happier family units as well. Give yourself a big pat on the back mama, because you deserve it!

We’re also seeing and hearing more and more fit mamas and twin mamas struggle with separated abs (Diastasis Recti). This can be for any number of reasons. Mine is a combination of twins twice + strong tummy muscles. I’m still in the process of bringing my tummy back together, my twins are almost 10 months right now, and I wanted to share a few very effective exercise moves I’ve found to help with the process.

Most importantly mama, make sure you are listening to your body! Your body is smart, so be sure to listen to it’s aches and pains. Pray over them, touch and feel them, and try to sort out in your heart and mind what your body needs. And of course, talk with your doctor about their recommendations. They’re pretty smart cookies and may have additional exercises or recommendations for you.

My Separated Abs Workout

*Note, I do this 3-5 times per week, depending on how my body reacts. Some weeks I can do these 5x with no issues. Other weeks I’m more active in other areas and can only do these 3x. Please listen to your body and your doctor*

1. Bent leg drops

Begin in a lying position.
Bend your knees and drop one leg to one side, just until you feel the opposite side hip raise up off the floor a bit. Pull the leg back to starting position and repeat.
8 reps.

2. Plank

Go into plank position.
Be sure to relax your shoulders, tighten your tummy and your bum. 
Hold for 30 seconds.

3. Cat & Cow

On your hands and knees.
Arch your back slightly, cat position, tucking your head with the arch.
Don’t over do this one.
Then reverse and extend your spine into cow position. 
Also, don’t over extend here.
8 reps Cat/Cow.

4. Baby Bird Dog

Set up into a trip pod/plank position with your hands close together in the front and your legs spread wide in the back. 
Raise one arm at a time, while keeping the tummy tight.
This move is less about the arms and more about tightening the tummy, so don’t worry about how high you get your arms. 😉
Repeat 8 on each side.

5. Forearm plank, knee drop

In a forearm plank position tap one knee down to the floor, then the other
Repeat 16 on each side

6. Side Plank with a twist

In a forearm side plank position with your legs either stacked, or with one leg in front for better balance, raise your arm to the ceiling.
With a slight twist, swing your arm down and under your tummy.
Be sure to tighten the core muscles and feel those obliques working.
8 reps.
*modification for this one is to be in a full plank side position with your leg bent under you. This will allow more space if needed and give you better balance. 


Repeat all 6 exercises 2 times. 

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