Week one is done

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Big intake of air and ‘Ahhhhhhhhhh’ (long contented sigh). One week is done! I’d love to say that I went into this new job and just rocked it’s socks off, but true be told, it kinda rocked me. I did a bunch of on-boarding paperwork, met a ton of people, worked on a few spread sheets, did a bit of asset gathering, attended a ton of meetings that made my head swirl and did a good bit of thumb twirling (a.k.a. pinning photos on Pinterest). But at the end of the week I feel like I’m starting to wrap my head around things, just a bit. Enough for now anyway… everyone I’ve spoken with has said it takes about six months to really ‘get’ it. Which makes me feel less like a complete idiot, but is still a bit frustrating. (insert Mr. Potato Head angry eyes)

Medallion lamp, Anthropologie

Anyway… my boys have been out of the state since Wednesday and won’t be home until Saturday night. Holy too much time by myself batman! I’m not being very productive during all of this baby free time. It’s mostly because all I want is to hold my little guy and ogle the hubs, which is a lame excuse for not using my time more wisely. So I’ve now successfully kicked myself into gear and have the laundry going in the back ground, the plants watered, the groceries purchased and put away, a movie rented and a massive rolling help-me-organize-my-closet build it yourself project sitting on the floor in front of me. Which, yes, I am procrastinating doing. Okay, enough already, I’ll go freaking build it! But I’m having a very large bowl of overly buttered popcorn while I do it dang it!

What are your weekend plans?

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