Sneak a Peek :: Dave Conrey of Beach Cities

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Once upon a time there were two new Etsy sellers who met on twitter. They swapped information back and forth and helped promote eachother. Then one day their chatter turned into an interview. This, is that interview.

Dave recently completed a custom order for me, his first custom order in fact. He is a highly talented graphic designer who currently resides in Long Beach and makes master art on a daily basis.

See what I mean?!? He captured the essence of my family retreat perfectly and put so many personal touches into this that I hardly know where to begin. How about I start with the interview, since that’s really what you came here for anyway isn’t it?

1. balance.: What is your art form? What do you work with best, what do you wish you knew better, & what drives you nuts?

Dave Conrey: I dabble in a few different art forms, but I guess you could say my current focus is in digital collage. It’s definitely my strong suit because I work with it daily, both in my art and in my day job as an art director. I also paint with acrylics on occasion, but I really wish I had a better grasp of them.  When I lay them on the canvas, I can never seem to paint in a moderate fashion. I wish I could use less paint, make the scene more soft and subtle, but my brain won’t let my hand do it. So I guess you could say that my disconnect between my mind and my tactile approach is what drives me nuts. 

2. balance.: Fill in the blank: “When I am creating, I feel ________.” 

Dave Conrey: … in a zone, confused, alive, stressed, focused, frustrated, peaceful… complete. Each piece brings about a myriad of emotions.

3. balance.: Where do you like to shop for inspiration? This can be anything from bookstores, museums, certain parts of Long Beach, flea markets, stores, etc.

Dave Conrey: As far as actual shopping, definitely the bookstore, specifically the magazine rack. I spend more money on magazines than probably anything else I buy for myself. There’s also a monthly antique and collectibles show near me that I frequent for ephemera, things I might include in my pieces. Etsy is also a very big source of inspiration for me. I’m constantly surfing other people’s favorites looking for things I might not ever come across.

Crescent Bay -- 11x14 Digital Collage Art Print

4. balance.: How do you keep yourself organized? Time management is often one of the biggest obstacles for creative minds. Do you have an agenda book and do you make “to-do lists?”

Dave Conrey: Time management is not one of my strengths. I’m terrible at it, driven by deadlines more than anything else. Unless I’m in a total creative zone, I’m easily distracted by things like Twitter, Facebook and a ton of blogs I read. The two tools I use to keep me on track is my iPhone for the date scheduling capability on the fly, and my trusty Moleskin notebook. That little notebook has been a saving grace for me this past year. It’s the best for jotting ideas, creating lists, writing down things I need to remember in a flash, or even just sketching at random.

5. balance.: If you could have one superhero (or magical) power, what would it be and why? 

Dave Conrey: I would have to choose the power to borrow other people’s strengths, then I could tap into other types of creativity to see what it feels like.

6. balance.: How do you combat creative blocks? What tools do you use to keep your creativity flowing?

Dave Conrey: Typically, I just try to push through it. Put on some upbeat tunes with a driving beat and keep on working until something strikes me, sends me careening down the new path. I may do a lot of extra work that way, but the end result is usually worthwhile. If that’s not working, then I usually try to step away for awhile, go for a walk, play some video games or hang out with my son. Doing something that puts me in a different mindset will usually give my creative mind the rest it needs to start working again.

Be Like Water - 8x10 Digital Collage Ocean Art

7. balance.: If you could peek inside the studio/toolbox of any designer/artist/craftsperson, whose would it be and why?

Dave Conrey: If I only can name just one, it would have to be David Carson. He’s the graphic designer that most inspired me when I was younger, pushing the limits of what was acceptable in design. He broke ever single rule and got away with it most of the time. Unfortunately, his work was so influential, everyone was trying to copy his style, making it mainstream. It became a joke to some, “What are you trying to be, the next Carson”. His work is still genius and I would love to spend just one day inside his head (see answer #5 above).

8. balance.: In addition to being a graphic designer & art director, what would you like to conquer next?

Dave Conrey: Honestly, the most important thing I am focusing on these days is trying to be the best father I can. My son is the most amazing thing I have ever created and I want to do my best to make him my magnum opus.

Don’t miss Dave’s big Valentine’s sale happening now:

Thank you Dave for letting me pick your brain, and a HUGE thank you for my amazing new art piece!

Inquiry inspiration: Design*Sponge

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