LIGHTING – The Basics of Good Lighting

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“Light is one of the essential elements of life; without it we could not exist”1

When designing a quality lighting plan it is important to remember to ‘layer’ the lighting. The first layer is general lighting, or ambient lighting. This is your overall illumination. The second layer is task lighting, such as reading. And last but not least is accent lighting. This element is used to create visual interest and highlight specific aspects of a space (artwork, foliage, architectural details, etc.).

However, it is important to remember that daylight and decorative lighting can be critical aspects of the plan as well. Using natural light helps to create a welcoming environment, and a spectacular chandelier can speak its own language in the right application.

“Using a variety of types of lighting allows the designer to create a lighting plan that is adapted to the purpose of the space and the needs of its users.”1

1 Fundamentals of Lighting, Susan M. Winchip

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