how i do and other such ramblings

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I had some friends come for a visit the other week and as things were coming to a close they asked me this question:

Kelly, how do you do it? You make it look so easy…

Well, first off, say what? And second, I guess in order to truly answer that I have to start at the beginning. Like the way beginning, back to the days of my youth. I was raised in a fully Mormon, LDS, household and went to church for three hours every sunday. Yes, three whole hours. Sacrament meeting, sunday school and then young womens until the age of eighteen, at which time I was able to join the Relief Society and hang out with all the older ladies for the last hour of church. It wasn’t until I was almost twenty that I learned to like the Relief Society, but that’s a story for another day. You can learn more about being LDS over here.

Twice a year our church holds General Conference where all of the heads of everything in the church and as many people as can secure a much coveted ticket pack themselves into the conference center in downtown SLC and chat about the specific stuff that we all need to hear. There was one talk in particular talk is the one I remember mostly and that really had an impact on my now life.

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