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Day 16
Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it

Tonight after saying prayers with Quinn I leaned in for a kiss and from the corner of my eye saw a black speck fall near his pillow. I lifted up the pillow to take a closer look and a GIANT black spider crawled out and scurried away. I somehow managed to suppress my natural reaction – to scream uncontrollably like the petrified little girl that I am – and only remarked ‘well, that was gross’. After a few minutes of explaining that the spider had ‘gone home’ which seemed to all the explaining my curious toddler needed I flipped off the light, cracked the door open and walked downstairs. At which time my entire body did the heeby-geebie shiver and broke out in goose bumps.

You guys, I am seriously scared to death of spiders.

I’m trying my hardest to not pass this trait on to my kids, because I’ve given up on getting over it myself. I try to paint daddy as the hero when I very calmly scream for him call for him to come save me from being attacked help us catch the spider and squish him into oblivion send him home.

I can handle the little guys, and the daddy long legs; but the giant, fat, black spiders that move faster than my eye can track them are simply not okay in my book.

And now you know.

just love


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