PERFECT PLACE – Minneapolis Sculpture Garden

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I’m writing to you today from the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Today’s adventures included a wonderful tour of the downtown area (where I forgot my camera – typical!) and ended with a lovely walk through the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden – A project of the Walker Art Center.

Here is a random sampling of the sculptures in the garden:

The fountain-sculpture Spoonbridge and Cherry by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen was commissioned especially for this spot. The spoon is 52 feet long, and the cherry is a mighty 1,200 pounds. The sculpture is so huge that it had to be fabricated at two different shipyards; one in Maine, the other in Rhode Island.

Walking Man –George Segal

Woodrow –Deborah Butterfield

At the same location Cowles Conservatory sits happily among the sculptures. Home to hanging vines, hibiscus flowers, and Palm trees to name a few.

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